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About Holly Regnier

At the age of 11, I read a book on the history of photography and was immediately mesmerized- I even made a pinhole camera following the directions in the last chapter. My sister often took me to the college with her on Saturdays while she worked on her artwork. It was here that she introduced me to the darkroom, showing me how to develop film and print enlargements. From that day on, that is where my Saturdays were spent while she painted and sculpted upstairs. We shared a  35 mm camera while I was growing up and I had my own darkroom at the age of 15.
My first job was shooting copy negatives and printing enlargements at one of the largest film processing plants in the country. Over the years I have worked as a family photographer, custom processor and film stripper {old school graphic artist}. After the digital revolution, most of these job opportunties no longer exist, but photography is my life. I can no longer resist the digital camera’s ability to capture an unlimited amount of images at so little expense but it is film that is my real addiction; because from that first book, that first camera, and that first image that magically appeared in the developer tray…I.WAS.HOOKED.

2012 Self Portrait 3814.10.12

©Holly  Regnier Photography

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